Change log Revolution

Version 5.4.6 StarPath (05th Otc 2017)


  • Added autoplay functionality for HTML5 videos on mobile
  • Added loadbalancing functionality for further stability of premium features


  • CSS Issue in Backend where RevSlider Toolbar would overlap the WP Login/Logout popup in some cases

Version StarPath (21th Sep 2017)


  • Fixed Jump slider action

Version 5.4.5 StarPath (5th Sep 2017)


  • Added import layer slider from other slides


  • Fixed Embed slider
  • Fixed Insert meta url When Edit Slide -> layer
  • Fixed Upload Audio files
  • Fixed Clear cache when edit, create new Sliders
  • Fixed copy/move in Slide Editor

Version 5.4 Drupal 8+ StarPath (26th August 2017)


  • New Brasilian/Portuguese translation added! Special thanks to Diego Fernandes
  • Introducing Rows and Columns as Layer Groups
  • Added Layer Groups for logical and physical grouping of Layers.
  • Animations are now allowed in multiple levels for Groups, Rows, Columns and wrapped Layers
  • Added Margin for relative Layers (Columns, Rows, Layers in Columns)
  • Rows can be sorted within Top, Middle and Bottom Containers
  • Added Layer Background Images for Text, Column, Row, Group and Shape
  • Slides will receive an Auto Height with Rows and Columns
  • Introducing Right Click Content Menu on Layers and BG in Slide Editor for quick Edit mode and shortcuts
  • Added Font Icons to Object Library for quicker icon selection within a Text Layer
  • Copy/Paste Layer styles easily from one Layer to the other
  • Selecting more than one Layer, to move them together, now available
  • Introducing logical grouping of Layers
  • Added CSS Blend Modes for Text Layer to get some exclusive effects on backgrounds. (Will not work with older IE Browser)
  • Easy Editing and Movement of Groups and Layers in Groups
  • Added CTRL / CMD + Click function to enable multiple selections
  • Added device based level for Spacings like Paddings, Margins, Text-Aligns which can be set now individual based on Responsive Level
  • Added Ken Burns Live Editor
  • Added option to include all Slider Revolution JavaScript libraries on page load
  • Added new option on Slider Import, to be able to create blank pages with the Slider inside
  • Added IgnoreHeightChange for Android Phones as Fall Back which will avoid the small Jump on Mobile Phones if Location Bar is removed/resized on scroll
  • Added Dark/Light BG for Layer Style Selector, which helps to pick the right Style on demand
  • Added option to set the ID for the Slider which will also set dynamical added container ID’s based on the preseted ID
  • Delay option added to the Jump To Slide Layer Action
  • Template Slider Packs now available
  • Added Navigation Position Aligned By option to allow Navigation element positioned within the Layer Grid also
  • Added individual RTL Option to Arrows, Bullets, Tabs and Tumbnails to change the Slider direction and the order of elements
  • Added New Layer Type: Audio Layer
  • Added Text-Transform Style Option (Uppercase, LowerCase, Capitalize)
  • Added Force Inherit Style Changes on Font Size, Font Weight, Font Color and Line Height in Break Point Based Sliders, to inherit changes for other Device Sizes during changes
  • Added PlaceHolders and Presets for Navigation Elements to allow Easy Styling on Navigation elements per Slider
  • Added title Attribute to the background images for Slides
  • Added Bulk TimeLine Functions to arrange Layer timings based on predefined batches
  • Added Undo & Redo Steps to the Slide Editor
  • Added Vimeo “No Controls” option to hide the Control Panel of Vime Videos on request
  • Added “Pause on Slide” option to stop the Auto Play Progress on certain slides
  • Added an option to Wait for revapi.revstart() Method to start the Slider. This allows to start the Slider on request
  • Added an global option to trigger database creation
  • Added Static Layers Overflow hidden/visible option
  • Added option for Post and Stream Sliders to strip fetched content by words/chars
  • Added Cache timing option for Social Streams
  • Added Global Mute for All Media Action to mute the whole Slider
  • Added Invisible Slide option to make Slides only Availblae due Actions and API Functions
  • French Translation added

Version StarPath (9th Otc 2017) For Drupal 7.x


  • Update issue Cant import images layer

Version StarPath (8th Otc 2017) For Drupal 7.x


  • Update issue {“success”:false,”message”:”wrong ajax action: “}

Version 5.4.6 StarPath For Drupal7 (15th Otc 2017)

New Big Updated Version 5.4.6 Software Version Drupal 7.x

  • Hero, Carousel and Classic Slider Features
  • All Sizes Possible (Full Responsive + Revolutionary 4 Level Advanced Sizes)
  • Fullwidth, Fullscreen, Auto Responsive Slider sizes
  • Unlimited Sliders per page
  • Image BG Cover, Contain, Tiled, Alignment, etc.
  • WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor
  • Published / Unpublished Slides
  • Publish slides based on predefined Dates
  • Simple and Advanced Lazy Loading for Faster and SEO Optimized Slider Start
  • Link and Actions on Slides
  • Parallax Effects, full customizeable, combine with Ken Burns and other effects (Mouse / Scroll controlled)
  • Improved Light weight Ken Burns Effects (easier & faster)
  • World Premiere for advanced Action Building
  • Build Social Stream based Sliders
  • Quick and Easy building based on Slider, Slide and Layer Templates
  • Performance Monitor and better Performance Suggestions
  • Viewport based Slide Loading and Progress
  • Create Slider Defaults, Reset, overwrite single Settings due all slides
  • Save Slide, Slider, Layer, Animation as Template

Video Features

  • AutoPlay – Always, only first time, skip first time, wait for action
  • Stop video on Blur, Play Video only in ViewPort
  • Rewind, or keep current progress time
  • Set Start and End time
  • Loop, “Loop and Progress” Slide
  • Fullscreen, fullwidth, boxed
  • Navigation features
  • Action based control (through other layers)
  • New Video API, Events and Methods to controll media outside of the Slider

Version 2.0 Drupal 7+ StarPath (26th August 2017)


  • – Update Auto next slider Video YouTuBe
  • – Fixed static layers,
  • – Fixed published/unpublished slide.
  • – Fixed Single Slide Loop.
  • – Fixed import/export function.
  • – Fixed Slide Title issue.
  • – Fixed Media 2.0 issue.
  • – Fixed Drag & Drop issue.
  • – Load custom fonts and css in edit page.

Version 1.0 Drupal 7+ StarPath (26th June 2015)

#! Initial Release