First, thank you for purchasing our theme!
This guide provides instructions for installation, help on getting started and extensive documentation of features. It is recommended you read it thoroughly to fully leverage the Bixbang theme's capabilities. Please also make sure to check out our Video Tutorials as they explain everything covered in here in greater depth. We hope you enjoy building with Bixbang as much as we enjoyed developing it and continue to develop with new features!
With ThemeForest regular license you are licensed to use this theme to create one single End Product (the final website customized with your content) for yourself or for one client.
What is allowed with the single regular license:
What is not allowed:
For more information regarding license regulations and policies, see the link License FAQ
To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. Below are some useful links regarding WordPress information.
Server requirements is one of the key factors for WordPress and Bixbang theme, it is highly recommended to use a server which supports the following requirements. We explain about WordPress, Bixbang, WooCommerce server requirements.
Setting | Description |
PHP | Version 7 or greater. |
MySQL | Version 5.6 or greater. |
MariaDB | Version 10.0 or greater. Only required if you are not using MySQL. |
HTTPS | Supported by the server. |
We recommends following server settings for Our WordPress Theme:
Setting | Description |
PHP | Version 5.6 or greater. |
MySQL | Version 5.6 or greater |
mod_rewrite | The Apache module needs to be activated for pretty permalinks. |
GD Library | The library needs to be installed for Captcha and Image cropping. |
cURL | Supported by the server. |
OpenSSL | Supported by the server. |
allow_url_fopen | Supported by the server. |
post_max_size | 32 MB or greater |
upload_max_filesize | 32 MB or greater |
memory_limit | 128 MB or greater |
max_execution_time | 120s or greater |
max_input_vars | The minimum value is 4000 but the recommended is 6000. |
Bixbang support WooCommerce officially so it is best to make sure your server also supports this plugin requirements if you are going to set up a shop.To learn about the plugin server requirements, read the official article.
WordPress is well-known for its ease of installation. Under most circumstances, installing WordPress is a very simple process and takes less that five minutes to complete.
Before beginning the installation and configuring of your new theme, you must first have WordPress already installed on a server.
If you are struggling, here is a very detailed guide at Wordpress Codex that will walk you through every step.
If you prefer something more visual, you can watch this video tutorial on how to install Wordpress by us
(Please note the video shown is from our NUVO Restaurant theme, but the same process applies)
Once you have setup a copy of WordPress, there are two ways you can go about installing the theme:
Unzip the download and upload the theme directory /Bixbang/ into your WordPress themes directory /wp-content/themes/.
This is definitely the easier route for most. Simply navigate to Appearance > Add New Themes > Upload. Click the 'browse' button and locate the still zipped theme folder. The theme will be uploaded and installed in a matter of seconds.
Here is our video tutorial to help you through the process
(Please note the video shown is from our NUVO Restaurant theme, but the same process applies)
After you have installed the theme successfully, you can optionally import the supplied dummy data in order to get a feel for things. If you're interested in importing the data, please check the Demo Data section below.
Once you have installed and activated our theme you will be prompted to install required and recommended plugins. Just click the link to Begin installing plugins.
Next, check boxes to select all the plugins you want to install, select the bulk action of install from the dropdown box and then click the button to apply.
Select the plugins you had installed, and then apply the bulk action to activate them.
Finally, you will got a confirmation notice that your plugins were activeded.
To help you set up website with the least efforts, we include in the theme package dummy content file. After installing it, all content seen on the live demo will be imported except for images/videos.
There are two methods you can use, one is using our One-click Importer, the other is Importing manually. To go with the former option, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to Import Demo on the Tools menu.
2. The Import Demo section will show for you.
3. Just click Install the demo you want and wait for the process to complete.
Now you have a website just like our demo.
To imprort demo content by yourself, please follow some steps below:
1. Go to Import Demo on the Tools menu.
2. The Import Demo section will show for you.
3. Hover on the Setting icon and select Manual Import tab.
4. Select the demo that you want to import.
5. Download Attachments file by click on Download Attachments File button.
6. After download file, please upload and unzip file to wp-content/uploads folder.
7. After download file, please upload and unzip file to wp-content/uploads folder.
Finally, please wait for the installation process to complete.
Now you have a website just like our demo.
This is plugin required all our themes
This plugin provides an easy to use interface to create and administer custom post types and taxonomies in WordPress. This plugin is created for WordPress 4.x.
If you need dedicated support for this plugin, please visit: Custom Post Type UI
Contact Form 7 is one of the most popular form builders for wordpress.
We have created styles ready for you to use within your Victoria theme.
For detailed inforamtion and support on this plugin, please go to: Contact Form 7
Drag and drop page builder for WordPress. Take full control over your WordPress site, build any layout you can imagine – no programming knowledge required
If you need dedicated support for this component, please visit: WPBakery Page Builder
Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it's a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time!
For detailed inforamtion and support on this plugin, please go to: Slider Revolution
The first, please go to Page > Add new in the sidebar left to create a new page.
Enter the Page title and content for page, example as image below:
Click Publish and View page to see Result:
With the Page Options specially built for our themes, you can easily customize for Body, Header, Logo, Page Title & BC, Content and Footer of every page.
You can make page are fullwidth or boxed and set background for content and body areas.
Fullwidth: the page's body occupies an entire screen width (background image is behind it and is not visible), and the content occupies the fixed width area in the center of the screen.
Example for page fullwidth layout:
Boxed: the page's body is in the area of limited screen width, and the background image is visible.
Page Boxed layout with body and content background color:
Example for site boxed:
Here you can select layout for your page, left, right or no sidebar. Default layout will apply from theme option.
To manage widget, you can go to Appearance > Widget
You can choose show or hide header top.
Example for Header top, it will show on the top page:
You can also custom background, color and typography for Header top.
Notice: To edit Header top layouts, go to Header Top section for detail.
You can choose to show or hide Search, Compare, Wishlist, User, Cart, Sidebar, Social icons and Text extra on Header.
You can give a Title to the page here. You can also change the position of Title and Breadcrumb. In our layout selecting panels, the color Brown represents the Title, while the color Gray represents the Breadcrumb. See example below:
Set background, padding and margin for Page tite.
You can select a layout for Footer:
Change color for Link, icon and text.
Notice: To edit Footer layouts, go to Footer section for detail.
Settings of this group are responsible for selecting the way to display the homepage (front page), as a blog stream or a static one and specifying the pages to be set as a static homepage and as posts page.
To set a page as Home page, go to Settings > Reading in your WordPress Dashboard panel.
Widgets are the blocks of content that can be placed into specifically designed widget areas.
To Add Widget on Sidebar, please following these steps:
On this theme, we use the Visual Composer to build Footer. Please go to WPBakery Page Builder > Role Manager to enable WPBakery Page Builder for Header top.
To add new Footer, Go to Bixbang Header Top > Add new:
Visual Composer is a powerful Wordpress page builder that allows you to create complex page layouts without touching a single line of code. To switch to Visual Composer's Backend Editor, click on this button:
When Visual Composer's editing pane comes up, click on either of these buttons to Add Element.
A shortcode selecting panel will show up, you can see all the shortcode available in the theme. Select the one you would like to use.
You will then encounter a setting panel for the shortcode (each shortcode has it own setting options), after a bit of configuration, it will show up nicely on your Header top.
In the Options tab, you can add an image to show in theme and page option.
After creating the Header top layout, you can go to Theme or Page option to see and select it to show.
View page default to see the result for Header top 1 layout:
The options panel is home to all of the theme's extensive configuration options. To view the panel, click on Bixbang in the left-hand menu. Here you have the ability to alter many core aspects that make up how your theme looks and behaves. Any of the options that have some ambiguity to them conviently have descriptions to explain their purpose.
Theme Options is the main section of Bixbang, which you can do your global settings for your website. You can access Theme Options from top left side of your dashboard. We are going to describe about General Settings options available under Bixbang > General section of Theme Options in this article.
You can set Body background and make site is boxed or fullwidth.
Fullwidth: the page's body occupies an entire screen width (background image is behind it and is not visible), and the content occupies the fixed width area in the center of the screen.
Boxed: the page's body is in the area of limited screen width, and the background image is visible.
Example for site fullwidth layout:
Example for site boxed layout:
Not just color, all text elements are also within your control. You can define the style of Body font and H1 to H6 Headlines for yourself.
Font family, weight, style, size, line height, letter spacing and font color.
Font family, weight, style, size, line height, letter spacing, header margins, and font color options for headers H1-H6.
On this section, Bixbang theme had some available fonts for you. If you want to set a special font for a special class, you only need to insert your class into Selector section, and choose the font that you want on the Font dropdown box. Finally, you click Save changes and see your result, all completed.
Here you can config layout, height, typography, background and link color for your header top.
Notice: To edit Header top layouts, go to Header Top section for detail.
This is one of most important sections for theme because this is what users see first. With our Theme Options, you will find various options to configure Header bellow:
Example for header layout 2:
Header Menu: You need manager menu in Appearance > Menu
Example for Main menu:
Mega Menu: To edit Header top layouts, see How to edit mega menu tab for detail.
All options relating to Page Title can be found here. You can change the position of Title and Breadcrumb. In our layout selecting panels, the color Brown represents the Title, while the color Gray represents the Breadcrumb. See example below:
Select Style, layout and background for page title.
Page title typography: Select typography for Page title.
Footer Layout: You can select layout, set background, color and margin for Footer.
Notice: To edit Footer layouts, go to Footer section for detail.
Footer color
The first, please go to Page > Add new in the sidebar left to create a new page.
Visual Composer is a powerful Wordpress page builder that allows you to create complex page layouts without touching a single line of code. To switch to Visual Composer's Backend Editor, click on this button:
When Visual Composer's editing pane comes up, click on either of these buttons to Add Element.
A shortcode selecting panel will show up, you can see all the shortcode available in the theme. Select the one you would like to use.
You will then encounter a setting panel for the shortcode (each shortcode has it own setting options), after a bit of configuration, it will show up nicely on your page.
Our themes are optimized by with H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 tags, clean code, HTML5 but if you want to get higher ranking on search engines, you must need some help from SEO plugins and Google Pagespeed Service:
You can update our theme using some ways bellow
1. Update theme using Envato WordPress Toolkit
2. You can update manual theme
If you have any troubles while using auto update ( It is likely to be a permissions issue ) then you may want to manually update the theme via FTP or Cpanel.
Download the latest version of the theme on ThemeForest download page and simply replace with the old one via FTP or Cpanel.
The team at RedEXP are always happy to help you with any questions or recommendations you have about the Bixbang theme. If you need any help or support please contact us through the TF Messaging system or
direct at Email:
direct at Forum: Redexp Forum.